The world is getting more volatile and more uncertain. There are false prophets, fake brethren and pretend believers. Some of these people have nothing on them to give them away. Only ‘quick understanding’ can expose them.
August Dear Believer,
Let me tell you a story.
Years ago I was invited to preach in a church in another state. Before I started to preach, the pastor of that church called for testimonies.
One of the people that came out to give their testimonies was a young man who appeared very devout. When it was his turn to share, he knelt down reverently and lifted up his hands to praise God with a song. His sonorous voice rang out and people sang with him.
But as he was singing, something was going on within me. I became grieved in my spirit in spite of the praise around me. I suddenly ‘knew’ that the young man was fake and wasn’t even a child of God. He was singing praise to God, but all I could hear in my spirit was a mockery of holy things.
After the service, the pastor asked me to meet this young man. I found myself saying to him, “Young man, you have an unclean thing on you.”
He immediately became uneasy.
I asked him, “What do you have in your pocket?”
After dilly-dallying for some time, he brought out a talisman – one scary thing that had an obviously anti-Christian inscriptions on it. Upon asking, he told me it was for spiritual defense against evil, and to attract prosperity to himself.
Believer, you cannot live in this world without what the Bible calls ‘quick understanding.’
Here’s what the Bible says concerning the Messiah:
Isaiah 11:3
And [God] shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the LORD: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears.
Note these:
1. He would have quick understanding.
2. He wouldn’t judge people or situations based on what he saw with his physical eyes only.
3. He wouldn’t settle issues based on what he heard only.
That means his source of information would be supernatural. He would tap into a reservoir of knowledge that was more accurate than what was available to people.
Don’t think this is a special ability only reserved for the Messiah. You can also tap into divine information about situation, too. You can have divine understanding about people and situations.
The young man I just told you about would have fooled the whole church and maybe scam people who would naturally judge him positively by his outward appearance.
They could have put him in a position of influence where he would eventually hurt innocent people. The devil could have used him to oppress many in that growing church, but God exposed him.
Paul prayed for the Ephesians that their eyes of understanding be enlightened. (Ephesians 1:18).
The world is getting more volatile and more uncertain. There are false prophets, fake brethren and pretend believers. Some of these people have nothing on them to give them away. Only ‘quick understanding’ can expose them.
We Believers need more than the five senses to judge and understand what is going on around us. We must always ask God to let us know and understand the secret things about people and situations.
This has to do with everything that concerns us – business, relationship, parenting, friendship, choice-making and our spiritual life.
Claim Isaiah 11:3 as your own and believe God for it to work in your life.
Now talk to your Father.
Dear Father, I acknowledge the presence of the Holy Spirit in me today and I thank You for such a great Gift and Presence. I ask today that You grant me quick understanding about people and situations that have to do with my life in the name of Jesus. I walk by faith in the divine provision of the Messiah and I will not judge people or situations merely by the hearing or the ear or physical sight. I declare in the name of Jesus that I will judge righteously and accurately by the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Have a great day.
Your friend,
For further study read 1 Corinthians 2:7-16.
© August 2020 DailyVotions by Deon Akintomide.
Deon Akintomide is a Pastor, author and publisher. He teaches the Word of God and ministers healing to the body and the mind. He is the founding minister of the LifeHouse Global Missions and the Pastor of The LifeHouse Kingdom Centre in Lagos. Deon is married to Tola Akintomide.