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The big God can be pitifully restrained in a man who yields only a little part of his life to Him.

Dear Believer,

Those who claim to belong to God must understand that God doesn’t give Himself piecemeal. You either have God or you don’t. He is either in you or He isn’t.

You must have heard the song, “More of You…” Or other songs that people keep singing to beg God for more of Him in their life. This means that the one singing wants more of God or the Holy Spirit than he has at the moment.

That is a very wrong understanding to have of God. Listen very well, Believer, when you received the Holy Spirit, you received the total package. You aren’t going to receive more Holy Spirit or more God or more Jesus, no matter how much you pray.

Let me make this clear again: God doesn’t give Himself to us in bits and pieces. If you have God, you have all of Him. The question is, does He have all of you?

The quality of your relationship with God does not depend on how much of God you have in you, but on how much of you is yielded to God. YOU DON’T NEED MORE OF GOD; GOD NEEDS MORE OF YOU!

The big God can be pitifully restrained in a man who yields only a little part of his life to Him.

Many want God to control their marriage, but not their finances. Some want the Holy Spirit to give them power, but they want no fruit of the Spirit like endurance or patience. They have restricted God to a section of their life while locking Him out of others.

He wants all of you.

Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. Matthew 22:37.

He made it clear: when you love Him, He demands your all…or nothing. No aspect of your life should be off limits to God. Our relationship with Him is a contract of total commitment.

Today is another day when most Believers gather to worship the Lord together, and it is a good thing to remind ourselves of this truth: HE IS NOT ONLY OUR SAVIOR; HE IS OUR LORD!

Dear Believer, ask the Holy Spirit to help you submit all your life to the Lord. You have all of Him already; He wants all of you!

Note: This message is given in a time of a pandemic and many believers are not gathering in houses of worship for services. Remember your brethren today in prayer and reach out to them in love.

Have a great week!

Your friend,
For further studies read Philippians Chapter 3.

Deon Akintomide
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Deon Akintomide is a Pastor, author and publisher. He teaches the Word of God and ministers healing to the body and the mind. He is the founding minister of the LifeHouse Global Missions and the Pastor of The LifeHouse Kingdom Centre in Lagos. Deon is married to Tola Akintomide.


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