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One of the greatest temptations that the gifted person has is the ever constant awareness of his ability to hurt and do bad with the good gifts they have.


2Corinthians 10:8 NET
For if I boast somewhat more about our authority that the Lord gave us for building you up and not for tearing you down, I will not be ashamed of doing so.

Dear Believer,

God gives authority. He gives grace. He gives power. He gives material and financial possession. He gives wisdom. He gives spiritual gifts.

In His sovereignty, He gives these things to some people in a greater measure than others. What someone has aplenty, others may have little of, or even nothing of.

This lack of uniformity in giving talents and graces is what makes our humanity diversified and exciting. This is also very true of the community of Believers. How boring would it be if we all had the same gifts and abilities in the same measures?

If you are gifted in any way, let me caution you. What God has given you is for the good of others and not to hurt them.

One of the greatest temptations that the gifted person has is the ever constant awareness of his ability to hurt and do bad with the good gifts they have.

Adolf Hitler was a gifted orator. He wasn’t an impressive person to look at. His moustache and carriage were awkward and ridiculous. But he could speak! He stirred up his nation with words and led them to a disastrous war. But he could just as well have led people to do good by that gift.

Nothing wrong with his gift; he only used it for evil.

In our focus passage for today, Paul talks of the authority given to Him from God. He says it was given him to build, that is to raise people, bless them and make their lives better.

But he also recognized that the same authority could be used to pull down people. He only refused to use his authority to pull down, and he said he was not ashamed to take that high way.

If you were familiar with the epistle, you’d understand why Paul spoke like that. There were rebels in that church who hated Paul and were attacking his God-given rights to perform his responsibilities as an apostle. These people.were gifted in their own ways, too. They also called themselves apostles, but they were after Paul to pull him down with their gifts.

Today, there are ministers of the gospel who place curses on people because their authority is challenged. Some pray negative prayers, declaring catastrophe on people or ministers who disagree with them or who are against what they are doing. There are those who use their authority to intimidate, control and manipulate families and lives.

Still others use their authority to commit sin, taking advantage of the respect people have for them to sinfully use them.

As a Believer or a minister, when God trusts you with any ability, grace or gift, do not take it for granted. It is given to you to build and not pull down. When you are wronged, God says vengeance belongs to Him, not you.

Romans 12:19 NET
Do not avenge yourselves, dear friends, but give place to God’s wrath, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay,” says the Lord.

Refrain from using your gifts to hurt people or take revenge.

Don’t ever forget that you shall give account of how you used your gifts and abilities.

The Believer is a builder, not a destroyer.

You are a Believer.

Have a great day.

Your friend,

Deon Akintomide
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Deon Akintomide is a Pastor, author and publisher. He teaches the Word of God and ministers healing to the body and the mind. He is the founding minister of the LifeHouse Global Missions and the Pastor of The LifeHouse Kingdom Centre in Lagos. Deon is married to Tola Akintomide.


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