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If you ever get to a point where you suddenly realize that you don’t know what to do about something, rejoice. That is an opportunity for you to see God in action. He will come through.

John 6:5-6 KJV
When Jesus then lifted up his eyes, and saw a great company come unto him, he saith unto Philip, Whence shall we buy bread, that these may eat? And this he said to prove him: for he himself knew what he would do.

Dear Believer,

Unbelief loves to attribute man’s unreliable characteristics to God. When some Believers become confused, they get discouraged and act like God is dead or incapacitated.

Listen, Believer, weakness and cluelessness are concepts that don’t exist in God’s nature. That you don’t know what to do does not mean that God doesn’t know what to do. It is sheer folly to attribute the unreliable nature of man to God.

In the story from which the passage above was quoted, there was a big need.Thousands must be fed. Jesus asked His disciples what to do, and they were at a loss. You see, when God asks you a question, it’s not because He doesn’t know the answer, so don’t think He is ignorant; He is just testing you.

If you ever get to a point where you suddenly realize that you don’t know what to do about something, rejoice. That is an opportunity for you to see God in action. He will come through.

“For [Jesus] Himself knew what He would do.”

Every miracle Jesus performed first looked impossible at the beginning, so if you are facing any challenge that seems impossible, yours isn’t the first. Whatever problem you are having is an opportunity for a miracle.

The miracle Jesus performed was a miracle of multiplication. There’s no scientific way to explain it. He fed five thousand hungry people with just five loaves of bread and two fish.

And you know what! They had twelve baskets of leftovers! That was much more than they even started with!

Now think, if you were there, would you have even thought to suggest that measly boy’s lunch as the solution to the hunger of thousands of people?

Unbelief tries to teach God how to do His work and thereby attempts to lower Him to human level. You don’t know how God will perform that miracle, so don’t run around in panic or have sleepless nights wondering how He’ll do it.

So when you don’t know what to do in the face of challenges, praise Him who has all the power and knows no impossibility. Reach in faith to the One who always knows just what to do. Believe the One who can take your very little and multiply it. Thank the One who can show you the steps to take.

Receive a miracle now!

And have a great day!

Your friend,

Deon Akintomide
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Deon Akintomide is a Pastor, author and publisher. He teaches the Word of God and ministers healing to the body and the mind. He is the founding minister of the LifeHouse Global Missions and the Pastor of The LifeHouse Kingdom Centre in Lagos. Deon is married to Tola Akintomide.


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