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Jesus is called the King of kings because He reigns over a Kingdom where everyone is a king. A Believer with a low self esteem or lacking in confidence is a strange thing indeed in that kingdom.

Dear Believer,

I want to remind you this morning that you are tremendously endowed by God.

Being a Believer comes with so many spiritual blessings, which also translates to blessings in other aspects of life. As you grow up in Christ, you begin to come into a greater awareness of what Christ has done for you and in you.

One thing I wish to stress today is that you have been made a king and a priest to God. See for yourself:

And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. Revelation 1:6.

That is an amazing truth that has never ceased to impress me.

As a priest, you approach God to minister without needing an intermediary. But this priest has a crown on his head. This priest is royal! (1Peter 2:9).

Now, while many Believers revel in their priestly royalty, or royal priesthood, they forget something Jesus warned us about.

Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. (Revelation 3:11)

This reminds me of the story of the cunning thief who persuaded a young prince to despise his crown. He told himself, “I won’t be able to get his crown by fighting for it; he will defend his crown. If I can get him to despise the crown, he will reject it, and I can then steal it!”

So he told the prince:

“This is nothing but a piece of scrap. Crowns are no more in vogue.”

He berated the crown until the prince felt ashamed of it. “So cheaply made,” he said. “You should give it to me for safe keeping so that you can be free to move around without restrictions.”

The foolish prince handed over his crown and the thief disappeared with it.

Your identity in Christ and your standing in Christ as a Believer is being contested now by the devil. Have you noticed how the media and the agents of the devil keep attacking faith in God?

Satan is assiduously working to get you to be ashamed of your spiritual heritage. He wants you to despise your priesthood and your crown. He doesn’t want you to stand up for what you believe. Your identity in Christ and your standing in Christ as a Believer is being contested now by the devil. Have you noticed how the media and the agents of the devil keep attacking faith in God?

One of the ways the devil tries to do this is through mockery. He wants you to feel ignorant, old-fashioned, primitive and shallow for believing that the blood of Jesus cleanses from sin, or that Jesus heals the sick, or that living a holy life is profitable. He wants to steal your crown!

Your crown is the mark of your spiritual authority. When faced with various challenges in this world, always remember that you have been made a king and given authority to exercise.

Where the word of a king is, there is power: and who may say unto him, What doest thou? (Ecclesiastes 8:4)

You are a king and angels act on your words. When your faith is being belittled, you have to use your words to silence the mockers, too.

Jesus is called the King of kings because He reigns over a Kingdom where everyone is a king. A Believer with a low self esteem or lacking in confidence is a strange thing indeed in that kingdom.

While the people of the world may be trying to psych themselves up so that they can feel confident, you were born into the Kingdom with that divine confidence; it is always part of you. If you seem to have lost it, it is because you let the devil berate to you what is yours by divine right.

When Jesus stood before Pilate, he looked helpless and powerless. Pilate and his people thought they could mock Him, but His divine confidence never left Him for a minute. He told Pilate:

“…I am a king, and for this reason was I born…” John 18:37.

You may be standing before a mountain that seems immovable and challenges that appear insurmountable; Satan may have injected the poison of depression into your soul; you may seem to be standing trial in the court of life not knowing what your fate will be; you may be facing challenges in your finances or business with everything threatening to come crashing down on your head… Remember Jesus before Pilate. “I am a King,” He said in spite of all the array and display of physical power He could see. He overcame, and you will overcome.

Don’t let anyone or anything steal your crown!

“I am a King.” Says it aloud, again and again.

You are above the demons trying to harass you.

Have a great day!

From your friend,
For further studies read Daniel Chapter 1.

Deon Akintomide
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Deon Akintomide is a Pastor, author and publisher. He teaches the Word of God and ministers healing to the body and the mind. He is the founding minister of the LifeHouse Global Missions and the Pastor of The LifeHouse Kingdom Centre in Lagos. Deon is married to Tola Akintomide.


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