Sometimes a Believer thinks so superlatively of himself without any basis in reality
John 21:17 NET
Jesus said a third time, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” Peter was distressed that Jesus asked him a third time, “Do you love me?” and said, “Lord, you know everything. You know that I love you.” Jesus replied, “Feed my sheep.
Dear Believer,
It was a moving scene, and Peter was very unhappy and uncomfortable. Jesus seemed to be hitting hard at the heart of his integrity. It seemed like an unrelenting attack.
When Jesus asked him the first time, “Do you love me more than all these?” Peter must have looked around and wondered.
Why ask a question whose answer was obvious? I left all to follow You, and for three and a half years in dangerous situations I was there with You, and You ask if I love You?
Of course I do!
Jesus gave Peter a knowing penetrating look and with what looked like wryness written all over His face, asked again, “Simon, son of Jonas, do you love me?”
Ha, He’s not even calling me by my ‘ministry name, Peter. He’s calling me by my old name, Simon which means straw! Why is he embarrassing me by calling attention to my weakness?
Didn’t You hear my answer the first time, Lord? Have You forgotten so soon how I pulled out a sword to defend You, cutting off the pesky Malchus’ ear? If the guy had been a bit slower and not ducked on time, his head would have been the one You had to put back on his shoulder.
And you ask if I love you?
Peter accompanied his answer with a massive emphasis this time. “Oh yes I do.”
But Jesus wasn’t done with Peter. He asked the same question again. “Simon, son of Jonas, do you love me?”
Peter was now close to tears. What more could he say? If after all this sacrifice Jesus could still ask this question, what then was the point of it all?
Jesus didn’t ask Thomas, the one who didn’t believe that Jesus had resurrected, if he loved Him. Or Mathew, or Bartholomew or anyone else, none of whom even put up a fight when the enemy came to arrest Jesus. It seemed Jesus was unfair to Peter. I can imagine that the expression on his face would be summed up by the modern expression “Why me, Lord?”
But Jesus knew exactly what He was doing. Peter, in spite of all his protestations, was the one who denied Jesus three times, and he did it with such zeal, his denial laced with heavy imprecations.
It was Peter who led the disciples back to the life they had left behind after Jesus’ resurrection. After a few days in which they heard nothing from Jesus, he impatiently told his colleagues, “I’m going back to my fishing business.” And everyone followed him. (John 21:3).
Where did he quickly get the boat that was used to fish all through that night? Could it be that Peter really didn’t forsake all, like he claimed to have done but retained his old contacts in case this venture of faith failed?
Peter believed he loved Jesus, but Jesus was forcing him to take a second look at the love he claimed to have.
Sometimes a Believer thinks so superlatively of himself without any basis in reality. Paul warns every Believer not to ‘think more highly of himself than he ought to think, but to think soberly.” (Romans 12:3).
Jesus focused on Peter. It seems unfair, but that was Peter’s time. Other people’s time of examination would come. When it seems you are singled out by God in such a way, just focus on Him. Don’t compare yourself with others.
Instead of commendation, all Peter got was this penetrating scrutiny that seemed to belittle his efforts. That scrutiny was an act of grace from Jesus. Peter needed to really stop rating his own faithfulness and love by himself and let God do it. None of us can be accurate when rating our relationship with God.
Peter couldn’t. Neither can I, nor you.
Peter judged himself by his intentions. Jesus judged Peter by the proceeds of his heart.
In judging himself, Peter had filtered out his errors. Jesus was helping him to see the side of his life that he didn’t want to address.
Sometimes you have to take a hard look. You need to let the Holy Spirit search you.
You Believe you love God, but do you?
Take time to pray about this today and let the Spirit of God help you to find the right answer.
Have a great day!
Your friend,
Deon Akintomide is a Pastor, author and publisher. He teaches the Word of God and ministers healing to the body and the mind. He is the founding minister of the LifeHouse Global Missions and the Pastor of The LifeHouse Kingdom Centre in Lagos. Deon is married to Tola Akintomide.