The Torments of Fear

The pictures of evil possibilities you keep seeing in your imagination is a lie painted by the devil. The question is, what do you want to believe? Would you believe the pictures fear is tormenting you with or the answers God is giving you in his Word?
Dear Believer,
The human mind determines the wellbeing of a person to a large extent. When it is troubled, a lot of things go wrong.
One of the most effective ways to disorient a person, depress or oppress them is to plant fear in their mind. Satan knows this too well and he uses that simple knowledge to his own gain and the detriment of many believers.
A man was watching a movie with his little children. It was a happy setting as they laughed and fellowshiped as a family. Suddenly, a friend rushed in to announce that the man’s shop was burning down. He had obtained a big loan to finance that business and the fear of losing it all gripped him and affected him so much that he collapsed and died on the spot. It turned out that his friend was only ‘pranking’ him.
The news didn’t kill the man, fear did. His reaction to the news caused such a torment in his soul that his whole body could not sustain. That is a good example of the Bible’ claim:
“ Fear has torment ” 1 John 4:18. It further says anyone who fears cannot be made perfect in love. Actually, he cannot be made perfect in anything whatsoever. It is God’s plan to perfect everything that concerns the believer. (Psalm 138:8). Fear becomes a hindrance to that plan in many Believers’
Satan sends his evil news from time to time and many Believers are opening their hearts to it. Like in the story above, these news are largely pranks – they won’t even happen. Satan wants you under torment, and he wants to mess up your mind. He has injected the fear of failure into some Believers’ mind. The fear of death, of a loss, or of disease is tormenting some believers and killing them slowly. Some people are living in the tormenting fear of a disease that killed someone in their family, tremblingly waiting for when it will be their turn. What some Believers heard from their doctor has taken their peace away, causing them such torment that they have lost all quality in their life.
Dear Believer, if you are being overwhelmed by fear, Satan planted it in your mind. That Spirit is not from God and you must rise up to resist it.
If you need healing, you may first have to deal with fear. Before anything, God tells us ‘Fear not’ because fear is what neutralizes faith and opens the door to Satan. You may not receive that healing until you run fear out of your mind.
The pictures of evil possibilities you keep seeing in your imagination is a lie painted by the devil. The question is, what do you want to believe? Would you believe the pictures fear is tormenting you with or the answers God is giving you in his Word.
When David said,. “I shall not die,” it was because death was threatening him. You must tell the devil, “Get out of here, I will not listen to your lies.” It doesn’t matter to God what bad news the doctor has given you, or the evil that is threatening to swallow you up. Jesus deals with it all.
Dear Believer, settle down with the Word of God and stand in your heritage. Break the dominion of fear over you today!
Good day to you!
With love from your friend,
For further studies, read Psalm 27 and Colossians 1.
Deon Akintomide is a Pastor, author and publisher. He teaches the Word of God and ministers healing to the body and the mind. He is the founding minister of the LifeHouse Global Missions and the Pastor of The LifeHouse Kingdom Centre in Lagos. Deon is married to Tola Akintomide.