You will never get the children to take you seriously when all you do is pray with them and never play with them.
Psalm 48:12-14 NET
Walk around Zion! Encircle it! Count its towers! Consider its defenses! Walk through its fortresses, so you can tell the next generation about it! For God, our God, is our defender forever! He guides us!
Dear Believer,
There’s a great responsibility our Father has given to us which many of us aren’t taking seriously enough. It is the responsibility to roll over our inheritances unto the next generation.
The children that the Lord has given us aren’t pieces of property to flaunt; they are containers of our spiritual and moral legacies.
When God called Abraham, He promised to bless him, but that is not all. He made it clear that the blessing would be generational.
Genesis 17:7 ISV
I’m establishing my covenant between me and you, and with your descendants who come after you, generation after generation, as an eternal covenant, to be your God and your descendants’ God after you.
When God gave the gift of the Holy Spirit, he also made it clear:
Act 2:39 KJV
For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.
Note the order in Acts 2:39. The promise is to you, then your children, then others afar off.
Whatever experience the Lord has given you on spiritual growth that isn’t being passed on to your children becomes a generational waste instead of a generational blessing.
It is good to pass on money and property to the children. In fact, God wants this to happen. “A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children.” (Proverbs 13:22).
What is more important, though, is to pass on the spiritual inheritance to our descendants. The righteous man’s children should not be an unrighteous lot.
We see this example in some Old Testament kings in the Bible. Sometimes the king was righteous. He would make arrangements for the kingship to pass on to his children.
But in many cases, that was all the king did. He did not pass on his virtues on to his child. Thus we had many descendants of the righteous David who were the very epitome of royal wickedness. They weren’t or disciplined. Mannasseh the son of righteous Hezekiah was an example.
Do not neglect praying for your children.
Spend time with them. Befriend them and carry them along in your spiritual experiences.
This means you must first have a genuine spiritual relationship with Jesus. If you live your life in unbelief and spiritual inconsistency, you will be passing a message to your children that you are merely religious, and he won’t see any difference between the faith you profess and the religions of the world.
The focus passage of today says we must “walk around Zion! Encircle it! Count its towers! Consider its defenses! Walk through its fortresses…” This is speaking about understanding and knowing the power and the defences available to the Kingdom of which we are part. Then it says you have to teach it to the next generation.
This God isn’t just your God; He is your children’s God also.
Take some time now to talk to the Father about your children. Let this begin a continuous exercise of prayer for your descendants. Let today also begin the strengthening of the moral and spiritual bond between you and you children.
Pray with them.
Play with them.
You will never get the children to take you seriously when all you do is pray with them and never play with them.
Have a blessed day!
Your friend,
Deon Akintomide is a Pastor, author and publisher. He teaches the Word of God and ministers healing to the body and the mind. He is the founding minister of the LifeHouse Global Missions and the Pastor of The LifeHouse Kingdom Centre in Lagos. Deon is married to Tola Akintomide.