Do you have a time set aside to pray for your children? Do you speak the Word of God over them? Are you defending them spiritually from the corruption of this world?
Dear Believer,
The world has changed. When you were a child, perspectives to things were different than what they are today. Our children are more exposed to ‘things of the world’ than we were. They need greater defense than we needed.
This is why, in bringing up our children in the way that they should go, we must employ consistent prayer among other things. I want to call your attention to a way to pray for your children today.
Psalm 99:16.
Let thy work appear unto thy servants, and thy glory unto their children.
This Psalm is a recorded prayer of Moses the Man of God. He prayed in the wilderness that the glory of the Lord appear to the children.
These children heard the great things the Lord did in dividing the Red Sea, working many miracles and delivering His people, but it was just stories to them. They weren’t witnesses and many of them would naturally scoff at such ‘unscientific’ claims.
The Man of God, knowing that the vision of taking over the Promised Land would suffer if the children didn’t believe in God, prayed that these children see the glory of God for themselves. This was so that they wouldn’t have to depend on stories and the expressions of nostalgia from their parents. If they saw the glory of God for themselves, they would believe God for themselves and their faith would not rest on the claims of other people, even if they were their parents.
“Let Your work appear…and Your glory to [our] children.”!
My wife and I recently met a young man who is a magician. He performed all kinds of tricks. He appeared quite intelligent. When we attempted to share the Gospel with him, he told us he was familiar with everything. His father was a pastor, but he was now an atheist. He mocked everything in the Bible and those who still believe in it.
Note this again: he is a pastor’s child!
This young man is so comfortable in his godlessness because he has never encountered the glory of God. The glory is irresistible. You cannot meet God and wonder about who you met.
There was a woman who told the Lord that for every hour she had spent in worldly entertainment, she would pray. She told her children that whenever they saw her with her apron over her head, they should be quiet; she was in prayer.
She consistently spent two hours a day in prayer. This woman lived in a hard time and her life was harder than that of most people in that hard time. But she put first things first. She covered her surviving ten children with prayer.
That woman was Susanna Wesley. And who doesn’t know John and Charles Wesley? They were the fruit of their mother’s prayer. She raised godly children and they prospered greatly in spite of their father’s irresponsibility. Those children lived to see the glory of God for themselves.
Dear Believer, do you have a time set aside to pray for your children? Do you speak the Word of God over them? Are you defending them spiritually from the corruption of this world?
Giving them money isn’t enough. Putting them in the best schools isn’t enough, and without spiritual defense this may even turn out to your disadvantage. Open the glory gates to your children by prayer.
Isaiah 8:18.
Behold, I and the children whom the LORD hath given me are for signs and for wonders…
Isaiah 54:13.
And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be the peace of thy children.
Now talk to your Father:
Heavenly Father, Your Word says children are Your heritage (Psalm 127:3). I thank You for the children You have given me. I pray that the Spirit develop in them a great desire for a powerful relationship with You. Reveal Your glory to them and in them, and grant them powerful divine visitations and encounters. Let the attraction between them and the world be weakened and disconnected. I speak success over their life and banish failure from them. I pray that they be raised with the Spirit of excellence and serve You all the days of their life, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Have a great day!
Your friend,
For further study, read Daniel Chapter 1.
Deon Akintomide is a Pastor, author and publisher. He teaches the Word of God and ministers healing to the body and the mind. He is the founding minister of the LifeHouse Global Missions and the Pastor of The LifeHouse Kingdom Centre in Lagos. Deon is married to Tola Akintomide.