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You need mercy from God in any aspect of your life? Thenstart showing mercy to others.

James 2:13 NET

For judgment is merciless for the one who has shown no mercy. But mercy triumphs over judgment.

Dear Believer,

Every Believer must understand the significance of showing mercy. This is important because the Word of God makes it clear that those who do not show mercy unto others will be judged without mercy.

Everything you have has been given you by divine mercy. God’s own throne is the seat of mercy, and when we draw near that throne, we are encouraged to come boldly to that we may ‘obtain mercy and find help in time of need.’ (Hebrews 4:16).

However, not everyone who reaches out for mercy finds it. One of the reasons for that is because they don’t show mercy to others who are in need, therefore they are denied mercy in their own time of need.

Jesus said to the merciful:

Matthew 5:7 KJV
Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.

That means those who aren’t merciful will not obtain mercy.

In Matthew 21:18-35, Jesus told a parable of a servant who owed the king a huge sum of money. When he was brought in to pay, he had no money to do so, and the king promptly commanded that he be sold, together with his wife and children so that he could recoup his money. He begged tearfully and the king, in a generous act of mercy, not only freed him but forgave his debt.

As soon as this guy came out of the palace, he chanced on another unfortunate servant who owed him a few coins. And what did this servant who had just benefited from a great act of mercy do?

He grabbed the guy and beat him up. He then held him by the throat, insisting he must pay up. As the unfortunate man choked, the unmerciful servant didn’t care one bit.

Some passers-by reported the matter to the king. He commanded the unmerciful servant to be brought in. “I was merciful l to you and forgave your huge debt. Why can’t you forgive insignificant debt owed you by this poor servant?”

This servant was handed over to torturers to be tortured until he would pay the last penny. That means he would be there forever because he possibly couldn’t pay while being tortured.

Mercy to other men attracts mercy from God. The parable cited here was used by Jesus to illustrate the neccesity of forgiveness. Many Believers have vowed never to forgive someone. But Jesus made it plain that you can’t receive forgiveness if you don’t forgive others. (Mark 11:26).

We have received so much from God. Without Jesus, we deserve none of these acts of mercy from God. Being merciful to people who deserve it may be easy, but God wants you to be merciful to people who don’t even deserve it just as He was merciful to you when you didn’t deserve it.

Many are fond of quickly judging others. They are fault hunters who scrutinize other people’s lives for wrong doing. They then pounce on them and tear their remaining reputation to pieces.

But God says he would rather have mercy than judgement.

You need mercy from God in any aspect of your life?

Then start showing mercy to others. Give. Forgive.

Start now!

Have a blessed day.

Your friend,


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Deon Akintomide
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Deon Akintomide is a Pastor, author and publisher. He teaches the Word of God and ministers healing to the body and the mind. He is the founding minister of the LifeHouse Global Missions and the Pastor of The LifeHouse Kingdom Centre in Lagos. Deon is married to Tola Akintomide.


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