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When God gets involved in a Believer’s matter, sometimes it seems God doesn’t even know what is going on and has lost touch with reality.

Dear Believer,

Human nature is a powerful determinant when it comes to the way we respond to issues. The problem is, human nature is sometimes an enemy to the divine nature.

It is human to panic when trouble is brewing and you seem to be facing danger. The human nature wants to react in ways that is so erratic. In that same situation the Spirit of God ministers to our spirit: Fear not! But it makes absolutely no sense to the human nature.

When God gets involved in a Believer’s matter, sometimes it seems God doesn’t even know what is going on and has lost touch with reality. We want to tell Him, like the disciples once did “Lord, can’t you see that I’m about to perish?” (Mathew 4:38).

We can see some examples in the Bible. Israel stood on the banks of the glimmering Red Sea. They couldn’t go forward, for it meant certain death in a watery grave. Behind them was the mighty Egyptian army ruthlessly pressing their advantage. When Moses cried to God, the divine response didn’t make sense to the human nature:

And the LORD said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me? speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward: Exodus 14:15.


Go forward into the Red Sea?

From the human perspective, it seemed God had brought the people there to waste them in the sea. But as it turned out, God knew exactly what He was doing. Right there IN THE SEA was the way forward!

When it seems God isn’t making any sense, it is because we are hearing with the natural, carnal ears and responding with the human nature.

On another occasion, Jesus had just finished preaching in Peter’s boat. When Jesus preached, Peter was despondently mending his nets and getting ready to go home. He was an expert fisherman, but all through night as he fished, it seemed his very presence drove the fish away. He wasn’t listening to what Jesus was saying until Jesus spoke directly to him.

When [Jesus] had finished speaking, he said to Simon: “Push off into deep water, and throw out your nets for a haul.” Luke 5:4.

Peter stiffened. He must have thought, Surely this carpenter guy doesn’t know what he’s saying. Does he think fishing is like knocking planks together with nails and hammer? No fish today, preacher. All I had throughout the night was hard luck, and I’ve accepted that. I couldn’t even catch one fish, and I’m the expert fisherman!

That was Peter’s natural man’ response to divine guidance. Thankfully he acted against that natural reaction and decided to obey Jesus.

“We have been hard at work all night, Sir,” answered Simon, “and have not caught anything, but, at your bidding, I will throw out the nets.” (Luke 5:5).

And the breakthrough came!

When it seems God isn’t making any sense, it is because we are hearing with the natural, carnal ears and responding with the human nature.

When God asks you to do what seems to you ridiculous, it is so that you can experience the miraculous.

Dear Believer, you are called a Believer because it is your nature to believe. You are a Believer in Jesus and His Word. When you read His Word and He ministers to you that you are healed, it may not seem true to the human nature, but that is the truth.

You have been made a partaker of the Divine Nature. That means God’s own nature has been imparted to you. The greatest mistake a Believer can make is to respond to situations with the carnal, human nature. Doing that makes him reap natural rewards and miss divine solutions.

Believer, when you are faced with challenges, the next thing to do isn’t to panic and lose control. You can switch to the Divine nature and reach deep into the heart of God’s will. What is threatening to consume you doesn’t have the power it seems to have. It only seems powerful because you are seeing it with the natural eyes and not the eyes of faith.

Settle down with the Word of God and pray. Start responding to situations with the divine nature.

Let us pray together.

Father in Heaven, I pray for my Believer friend this day to be stirred up to maximize the divine nature. Friend, I pray that you become sensitive to the Holy Spirit and know the voice of God in the midst of the confusion that is in this world. Let the divine nature of God in you arise against all fears and get you to do what God has been wanting you to do, stop doing what He has been wanting you to stop doing and make you to walk in the right path to fulfill your destiny in the name of Jesus.

Have a blessed day!

Your friend,
For further studies read Exodus 14:5-31; Luke 5:1-10.

Deon Akintomide
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Deon Akintomide is a Pastor, author and publisher. He teaches the Word of God and ministers healing to the body and the mind. He is the founding minister of the LifeHouse Global Missions and the Pastor of The LifeHouse Kingdom Centre in Lagos. Deon is married to Tola Akintomide.


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