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JESUS sAID the people of the world are so smart and productive in their own twisted way than the ‘children of light’ are productive in their RIGHTEOUS WAYS.

Dear Believer,

Have you ever imagined that you could learn anything worthwhile from the unbelieving crowd — the ones whom Jesus called “the children of this world”?

Jesus said you could!

Yes, we know that we are not to have anything to do with the unfruitful works of darkness. We know we are not to be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. We also know that the Holy Spirit is our teacher.

However Jesus shared a story that suggests that even the world can teach something. It can be found in Luke 16:8-11.

A financial manager to a very wealthy businessman was found by his master to have been dealing dishonestly. The boss decided to terminate the man’s appointment.

As soon as the ‘unfaithful servant’ knew of his master’s intentions, he began to plan for his exit and his future.

He called his boss’ debtors and began to arrange with them to reduce their debts.

He would ask one person, “How much do you owe my boss?”

“One hundred million dollars,” said the man.

“You know what? We’ll reduce it to fifty now!”

Since he was implicitly trusted and was in charge of the books, he could manipulate the figures as he wanted.

He ‘helped’ his boss’ clients in that dishonest way so that after he was sacked, he would be received and helped by them.

But his master being a ‘child of this world’ knew very well what the financial manager was up to. He probably attained to that position himself by dealing just as dishonestly with people, so he knew exactly what was going on.

And what did he do?

Then the master commended the dishonest manager because he had acted shrewdly. For the sons of this world are more shrewd in relation to their own generation than are the sons of the light. (Luke 26:8).

The man commended the dishonest manager, not for his dishonesty, but his ‘shrewdness.’

This may be difficult for us to understand today, but among the people of those days, a wrong deed was often separated from the motive behind it. The master reasoned that this manager did a bad thing, but in a smart way and for a good reason!

Now, if that makes no sense to you, it’s because it makes no sense indeed! For the believer, this is wrong in every way. But Jesus is teaching a lesson here. 

He says these people of the world are so smart and productive in their own twisted way than the ‘children of light’ are productive in their righteous ways.

This is to say that the unbelievers maximize all the opportunities they have and make use of their abilities more than the believers maximize all their own.

We can’t do things the devil’s way. We cannot cheat in our business and deal with people deceitfully to make gains. But there are ways to be successful in life that are entirely godly. 

Jesus is telling us in essence: the sinners are doing better than you in many fields of human endeavor not because they are more intelligent, but because they are totally invested in their worldly way of doing things while you believers, are only half-heartedly committed to the provisions made for you by God. You are even interested in learning their ways of success instead of maximizing the wisdom and the gifts of God.

Abraham was a very successful animal farmer. Isaac his son was a very successful crop farmer. They didn’t do it the world’s way. In fact, Isaac became so successful that the unbelievers started to envy him. (Genesis 26:12-14). He leveraged his relationship with God and beat the enemies in business. That is what Jesus was talking about.

You see, we should not just study the Bible for principles of spiritual growth. In the Word of God are principles of growth in every aspects of life. Our relationship with God must improve our marriage, business, communication and even relationship with other people. God wants us to be wiser ‘in our own generation’ than the children of darkness.

Dear Believer, I would like us to pray together now.

Father in heaven, we accept today that we could do better in life and relationship with You and people than we have been doing. We accept that we have not maximized the light and opportunities given to us. Today, we ask, Lord, that you grant us to be strengthened by the Holy Spirit to maximize every grace and wisdom available to us through the Word and the Holy Spirit so that we may live a life that will glorify You and not live a lackluster life in this generation in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Have a blessed day.

Your friend,
For further studies read Genesis Chapter 26.

Deon Akintomide
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Deon Akintomide is a Pastor, author and publisher. He teaches the Word of God and ministers healing to the body and the mind. He is the founding minister of the LifeHouse Global Missions and the Pastor of The LifeHouse Kingdom Centre in Lagos. Deon is married to Tola Akintomide.


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