Do not receive any validation from the devil. When ungodly people praise you and flatter you, be wary. Be careful of those who use tantalizing prophecies to get into your pocket or your home.
Act 16:17-18 NET
She followed behind Paul and us and kept crying out, “These men are servants of the Most High God, who are proclaiming to you the way of salvation.” She continued to do this for many days. But Paul became greatly annoyed, and turned and said to the spirit, “I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her!” And it came out of her at once.
Dear Believer,
When God’s favor starts to manifest in your life in any way, one of the things you’ll have to deal with is flattery. It is a manifestation of the spirit of deception.
Let me state this clearly: your validation shouldn’t come from men or devils. Christ has given you a splendid identity. What He says about you is what really matters. If you aren’t satisfied with what God has said about you and need men’s accolades to boost your self esteem, you are suffering from a spiritual identity crisis.
Paul and Silas were trying to do ministry works in a region where people didn’t know Christ. A young lady was following them about and seemingly validating their ministry.
“These people are from God! They are here to show us the way of Salvation!”
This girl kept doing this for many days. It seemed Paul’s ministry was going to be easy in this place after all.
The problem was, the girl wasn’t a believer. In fact she was a demonized person who was speaking by the inspiration of the devil.
If Paul had not discerned this demonic activity and had allowed himself to get carried away with flatteries, he would have ended up in partnership with the devil before he realized it.
This girl wasn’t saying anything bad. But we know that whatever the devil says cannot have a good motive behind it. He is a liar.
This is exactly how deceiving spirits masquerading as prophetic gifts operate. They speak through false prophets, telling you pleasant and great things, some of which may sound true. If you open up yourself, they go further to plant all sorts of fear into you and bind you with their deception.
Do not receive any validation from the devil. When ungodly people praise you and flatter you, be wary. Be careful of those who use tantalizing prophecies to get into your pocket or your home.
I’ve seen people say all kinds of outlandish things about some ministers after experiencing a little power. “You are the only true man of God!” “Oh, you must be the end time prophet!”
I’ve seen some ministers employ special praise singers who make addulating commentaries as they preach or ‘prophesy.’
“Man of God, prophesy! You are the great prophet of our time,” these commentators would keep saying as the preacher walks around arrogantly on the platform. This is one of the quickest roads to spiritual and ministerial downfall.
Proverbs 29:5 NET
The one who flatters his neighbor spreads a net for his steps.
One of the greatest tools of hypocrites and pretenders is flattery. It is their trap.
When you know who you are in Christ and you accept and believe what the Word of God says about you as a believer, you cannot fall victim of the devil’s ruses.
Satan told Jesus, “If you are the Son of God, turn this stone to bread.” Jesus knew He had nothing to prove to the devil, so he didn’t. He was not suffering from an identity crisis or insecurity.
If you know who you are in Christ, there’s no need to listen to the devil and his sycophants.
Colosians 2:10 KJV
And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power.
You are complete in Christ. If you seek completeness in anything outside of Him, you are looking for light in the darkness.
Your day is blessed, in the name of Jesus.
Your friend,
Deon Akintomide is a Pastor, author and publisher. He teaches the Word of God and ministers healing to the body and the mind. He is the founding minister of the LifeHouse Global Missions and the Pastor of The LifeHouse Kingdom Centre in Lagos. Deon is married to Tola Akintomide.