If you give in to the fear the devil brings, you have agreed with his lies. His ultimate aim is to destroy, but God has given you the victory. Stand firm against all the words of the devil with the sure Word of God.
John 8:44
….He was a murderer from [the] beginning, and does not abide in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own, for he is a liar and the father of it.
Dear Believer,
Jesus came to make the Father known, but He also unmasked the devil.
Satan loves to pretend and can even present himself as an angel of light.
Jesus exposed Satan in the scripture focus above. This description is deeply disturbing, humanly speaking. The devil is so crooked in his nature that you cannot expect the tiniest good from him.
We see here that he is a murderer. He does not care for life.
We also see here that he is a liar by nature. Whatever he says, even when it sounds like the truth, is with the intent to deceive.
This is why Believers must make the scripture their only spiritual food and feed on it at all times. When you know the Word of God through and through, it will be easy for you to recognize the deception of Satan.
The devil came to tempt Jesus. Each time he said something to persuade Jesus to go against the Word of God, Jesus simply and calmly responded, “It is written!”
When Satan saw that Jesus was responding with the scripture, he also said to Jesus, “It is written” and he then quoted the scripture in a very deceptive way. But Jesus said, “It is also written,” and set the record straight. (Be sure to read Matthew 4:1-11).
Note again that Satan quoted the scripture, but his motive was evil. There is a spirit in you — the Holy Spirit, that shows you when the devil is trying to manipulate you. The Spirit of God lets you know when the devil is standing scripture on it’s head to deceive you and cause you to disobey God.
Understand that there’s no truth in the devil. He will come to you to plant fear and all kinds of evil thoughts. He will try to promise you every good thing while urging you to go against the Word. Resist him.
For example, if he tells you that you will die, tell him it is written that you shall live. Show him where it is written and shut him up.
If you give in to the fear the devil brings, you have agreed with his lies. His ultimate aim is to destroy, but God has given you the victory. Stand firm against all the words of the devil with the sure Word of God.
The truth of the Word of God will always defeat the devil’s lies any day.
Have a great day.
Deon Akintomide is a Pastor, author and publisher. He teaches the Word of God and ministers healing to the body and the mind. He is the founding minister of the LifeHouse Global Missions and the Pastor of The LifeHouse Kingdom Centre in Lagos. Deon is married to Tola Akintomide.