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You cannot love the Lord more than you love His Word.

Psalm 119:140 KJV
Thy word is very pure: therefore thy servant loveth it.

Dear Believer,

The Lord has inspired me this morning to tell you that He is most pleased with those who love His Word. I know this means you.

You see, many people confess that they love the Lord, and that is good. However, your relationship with the written Word of God is a measure of the love you have for Jesus.

You cannot love the Lord more than you love His Word.

I am also led to tell you that the time you spend with the Word is never wasted time. It may not seem so, but something powerful is happening to you as you eat the Word. Everything about you is being supercharged with God’s love and power.

The Word of God is the most powerful means of preparation for anything that will come your way. No warrior starts practicing for a battle on the day of the battle. Daily practice is what makes a man strong and prepares him for the war.

The Lord wants me to tell you that He is building you through His Word for victorious living.

1John 2:14 KJV
I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one.

So, Believer, let the Word ABIDE in you. Jesus expressly instructed His disciples to live that life.

John 15:7 KJV
If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.

That means it is possible for a Believer to be empty of the Word. Don’t let that be you. Note that getting one’s prayer answered is contingent on having the Word abide.

The Word is more than an encouraging piece of literature; it is spirit and life. (John 6:63). The way to have the Life of God manifest in you in a greater way is to keep the Word in you and keep eating it. That is what even gives meaning and authority to your prayer.

The Word make you great!

Have a great day.

Your friend,

Deon Akintomide
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Deon Akintomide is a Pastor, author and publisher. He teaches the Word of God and ministers healing to the body and the mind. He is the founding minister of the LifeHouse Global Missions and the Pastor of The LifeHouse Kingdom Centre in Lagos. Deon is married to Tola Akintomide.


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