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Jesus is saying in essence, life is more than the things people chase up and down. It is more than big, fine houses, a fleet of expensive cars, or a bank account filled with billions.

Dear Believer,

You probably have heard people look at themselves satisfactorily after attaining to some position or after acquiring some fancy property, saying “This is life!”

They generally believe ‘life’ is when you surround yourself with opulence. That, Dear Believer, is a big lie.

Jesus once said to the people who were listening to Him, “Life is more than food, and the body is more that clothes.” (Luke 12:23).

This simple but profound statement must be applied to your activities because it puts everything in perspective for the Believer.

Jesus is saying in essence, life is more than the things people chase up and down. It is more than big, fine houses, a fleet of expensive cars, or a bank account filled with billions. 

When Satan gets a Believer to shift his focus from Eternal Life to worldly life, he has him imprisoned already.

When Jesus came, He said, I have come that you may have Life…abundantly. He was talking about the divine, eternal Life of God that is imparted into a man’s spirit when he receives Jesus. That is what elevates man into God and makes him God’s very own.

You see, Satan works tirelessly to make you disregard the Eternal Life in you and pursue the beggarly ‘life’ of the world that isn’t more than mere material possessions.

When Satan gets a Believer to shift his focus from Eternal Life to worldly life, he has him imprisoned already. This shift of focus will make him start chasing the things of this world instead of them being added to him as a matter of course. (Matthew 6:33).

Believer, as you move up and down and get busy in the world, do not let the demands of this natural world make you forget the Life of God in you. You’ve got that abundant Life and you’ve got the rivers of living waters within your spirit. That is supposed to be the source of your strength, wisdom and light.

Do not be one overwhelmed by the challenges of this life, and do not be deceived by the wealth of the world. Understand that they shall end and perish with the world, but God’s Life in you and how you maximize it determines the quality of your eternity.

Always let the Life of God within you be your primary drive, and not the corruptible existence the world calls life.

Live the Life of God according to the Word of God and you’ll be the Light that God wants you to be.

Your friend,
For further studies, read Matthew 6:19-21.

Deon Akintomide
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Deon Akintomide is a Pastor, author and publisher. He teaches the Word of God and ministers healing to the body and the mind. He is the founding minister of the LifeHouse Global Missions and the Pastor of The LifeHouse Kingdom Centre in Lagos. Deon is married to Tola Akintomide.


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