Man may have a great capacity to accommodate troubles, but Jesus has the capacity to flush those troubles out
Mark 5:9 NET
Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” And he said, “My name is Legion, for we are many.”
Dear Believer,
The years I have spent on earth have shown me that human beings have an almost unlimited capacity to accommodate troubles. To illustrate this, let me get ahead of myself a bit.
The man who called himself Legion was not actually speaking; demons were speaking through him. We don’t know what led to his demonization, but after he’d been taken over by these demons, he ceased to have control of his faculties.
The demon spokesperson who spoke through this man couldn’t even give a specific answer when Jesus asked for his name. He just said “We are legion!”
A legion was a collective noun describing a unit of Romans soldiers numbering between 3000 to 6000. The demon was actually telling Jesus, “We are thousands here. You asked for our names? How do I even begin to mention our names? We are too many. Just call us Legion.”
One demon in a man is trouble enough. This man had 6000 troubles. The demons in him were 8vicious. How could a man carry such a burden and still be alive? That’s to tell you the unusual capacity of human beings to carry burdens or troubles.
Compare this capacity with that of animals. When Jesus moved to cast out these demons, they begged Him to allow them to go into a herd of pigs being fed nearby. Jesus obliged them.
Now, these pigs were 2000 in number. As soon as the demons got into them, they all rushed headlong into the sea and perished.
2000 fat, healthy pigs could not accommodate for a minute what a single man accommodated for years!
Now what I want you to realize today is that the power of God can deal with your challenges at once. Jesus dealt with 6000 troubles in a moment. The man was set free at his word.
Your three troubles, or ten or twenty troubles are nothing to Him. He fixed that man; He will fix you
You may say, “Man, you don’t even know what I’m facing in life.”
But Jesus knows, my friend. He didn’t leave one demon behind in that man’s body. He flushed them all out.
He didn’t start casting the demons out one by one. He threw the whole bunch of them out at once.
Take this as a prophetic word to you today. Man may have a great capacity to accommodate troubles, but Jesus has the capacity to flush those troubles out. The world may not have treated you right, but Jesus rights wrongs.
And I’m happy to remind you that He has given us the authority to walk in that power. With that power in you, you can walk out on the devil and you can walk the devil out. Either way, you win.
Mark 5:15 NET
[The pigs herders] came to Jesus and saw the demon-possessed man sitting there, clothed and in his right mind – the one who had the “Legion” – and they were afraid.]
The man regained his sanity. If you are oppressed in any area of your life, be delivered now in the name of Jesus.
Pray about this. May you experience total victory over demonic forces and the troubles of life in the name of Jesus.
Have a victorious day.
Your friend,
Deon Akintomide is a Pastor, author and publisher. He teaches the Word of God and ministers healing to the body and the mind. He is the founding minister of the LifeHouse Global Missions and the Pastor of The LifeHouse Kingdom Centre in Lagos. Deon is married to Tola Akintomide.