So, when next the Spirit of the Lord brings someone into your heart whose life seems perfect, don’t hesitate to pray for them.So, when next the Spirit of the Lord brings someone into your heart whose life seems perfect, don’t hesitate to pray for them.
Colossians 1:3-4 KJV
We give thanks to God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you, Since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus, and of the love which ye have to all the saints…
Dear Believer,
It often happens that the problem child in the family takes the lion’s share of his parents’ love. He is irresponsible, but his parents keep loving him with all they’ve got, and they show it.
In many instances, when a child is good and doing just fine, the parents take it for granted. They believe he will always be good, so they don’t bother themselves to look after him.
This sometimes makes some children turn bad on purpose, just so that they can get some attention.
The good thing is for parents to love their children equally. It is a simple principle of equitable parenting.
Read the scripture focus of today again. Paul says he and his partner started praying for the Colossian church after he heard of their faith and love for Christ and other saints.
This church had no problem of division and immorality, such as the Corinthian church had. They were committed, strong and full of love.
They didn’t seem to need any prayer from anyone; they were doing just fine.
Yes Paul prayed for them always. Not in spite of their good spiritual health, but because of it.
That’s remarkable. Today, if we hear of a Believer who is doing very well, we just don’t bother ourselves to pray or encourage them. We’d rather reserve our prayer for the backslidden, the weak and the disobedient.
Believer, ALL your brethren need to be prayed for. Your pastor, as good and spiritually sound as you think he is; that brother or sister who seems to be the holiest one you’ve ever seen; that woman who seems to be always praying, smiling, filled with faith and encouraging others; your husband or wife who seems to be always strong and never discouraged; that friend of yours that seems to always have everything and is ever happy…
You don’t know what some are hiding behind their smiles. And even if nothing is wrong with them, don’t wait till something does before you start praying for them.
So, when next the Spirit of the Lord brings someone into your heart whose life seems perfect, don’t hesitate to pray for them.
While bad people and situations may need prayer of salvation or restoration, Good things and situations also need prayers to be sustained and strengthened. They are the reason the world is still somewhat conducive for us to live in.
Believer, pray for the good people you know
The Lord cause your life to continue to be a shining light to others in the name.of Jesus, and may your light never be put out.
Have a great day.
Your friend,
For more study, read Colossians chapter 1.
Deon Akintomide is a Pastor, author and publisher. He teaches the Word of God and ministers healing to the body and the mind. He is the founding minister of the LifeHouse Global Missions and the Pastor of The LifeHouse Kingdom Centre in Lagos. Deon is married to Tola Akintomide.