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Fear is Toxic

Fear is ToxicScore 81%Score 81%

Fear weakens, paralyzes, cripples and blinds the man who gives in to it. It has debilitating effects on the spirit which seeps to every part of a person’s life.

Dear Believer,

Fear must not be allowed in your life. It is toxic to the New Creation.

Fear weakens, paralyzes, cripples and blinds the man who gives in to it. It has debilitating effects on the spirit which seeps to every part of a person’s life.

A fearful man is a defeated man; he is a man who has unwittingly sent an invitation to every evil that Satan can conjure up from hell.

Understand that whenever Satan plans to defeat you, he first sends fear into your mind. He knows you have the Spirit of boldness in you, so he tries to counterbalance that with his slimy spirit of fear

 The Old Testament is so full of the admonition from God to us to ‘fear not.’ It didn’t matter what those people faced or felt, the first thing they heard from God was, “Fear not!”

In the New Testament we are told that we have not received a spirit of bondage that binds us in fear again, but the Spirit of Sonship that enboldens us to call God our daddy (Romans 8:15). We are also told that God didn’t give us the spirit of fear, but One of power, of love and of a sound mind (1Timothy 1:7).

You have the spirit and the faith of God in you. The Holy Spirit in you is a Spirit of Sonship that infuses you with boldness to confidently approach your Heavenly Father anytime (Hebrews 4:16). If you are born again, you have a heritage of valor. You can go now and conquer.

Understand that whenever Satan plans to defeat you, he first sends fear into your mind. He knows you have the Spirit of boldness in you, so he tries to counterbalance that with his slimy spirit of fear. Dear Believer, never ever allow Satan’s fear to penetrate into your spirit. Resist it with all you’ve got.

No matter how big the mountain before you is, it can never pluck out the Spirit of God from within you. Satan may flex his old muscles and roar like a lion…he may speak swelling words and threaten you with any kind of evil, but it is all a lie. Spit in his face and tell him: “THE ONE WITHIN ME IS BIGGER THAT YOU AND ALL YOUR DEFEATED MINIONS.”

The breadth of one of the strands of hair on Jesus’ head is bigger that Satan. Believer, your Lord is infinitely powerful!

Fear not!

For further studies: Read Psalm 118;

Deon Akintomide
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Deon Akintomide is a Pastor, author and publisher. He teaches the Word of God and ministers healing to the body and the mind. He is the founding minister of the LifeHouse Global Missions and the Pastor of The LifeHouse Kingdom Centre in Lagos. Deon is married to Tola Akintomide.





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