Some Believers today love to vicariously long for the ‘good old days’ of ‘perfect’ gatherings of Believers in the days of the apostles. The truth is, there has never been anything like that.
lHebrews 10:25 KJV
Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.
Dear Believer,
The letter to the Hebrews was written some 2000 years ago. It was written to Believers in Christ. Then, as now, it was the ‘manner of some’ to not join the gathering of Believers.
Then, as now, the Believers who refused to join in assembling with their brethren had reasons. Some of these reasons were compelling and very reasonable to the Believers giving them.
But the apostle writing to the Hebrews didn’t even try to address the reasons anyone could give. He simply made them see that it was a bad manner to avoid the saints’ meetings.
Today, people cite reasons for keeping away from church gathering. Pastors are bad. People are hypocritical. They are only interested in my money. They don’t have love. And many more reasons.
If you are truly born again, you are part of the body of Christ. The physical gathering of Believers is a representation of that great body. The people making up that Body aren’t perfect angels with no faults. If those people have faults, so do you. The only issue here is that many times, you focus on other people’s faults while looking away from your own.
It behooves you as a believer to strengthen your connection with the body of Christ. Attending Believers’ meetings is a must. It is one of your basic responsibilities to God and your brethren.
As long as we are in this world, we shall keep seeing and meeting Believers struggling with one character flaw or the other. Coming together can be a great recipe for disaster because of our individual flaws, or can be an opportunity for revival because of our willingness to look past our faults.
Some Believers today love to vicariously long for the ‘good old days’ of ‘perfect’ gatherings of Believers in the days of the apostles. The truth is, there has never been anything like that.
Reading the Epistles reveals that the apostles kept dealing with division, errors, in-fighting, immorality and egotistical leaders.
The letters to the Corinthians, for instance, were corrective missives. That church was as carnal and full of division as could be. (1Corinthians 3:3). The Galatian church was so bedeviled by unbelief and legalism that Paul called the ‘foolish Galatians’ and lamented that He seemed to have labored in vain over them. (Galatians 3:1). The Laodician church was so lukewarm that Jesus threatened to vomit them out of Himself. (Revelation 3:16). Paul testified that the Cretans were indeed liars and ‘slow-bellies.’ (Titus 1:12). It was clear that they were being influenced by the culture of their nation. The apostle never excused these faults; they dealt with them. And they never encouraged people leaving and doing their own thing.
But in all these, Believers were enjoined to come together and grow together. The wrong were corrected, and even disciplined when required. Rebellion was frowned upon. In spite of the shortcomings, the church was still the body of Christ and a congregation of saints.
I’m saying all this because it is now fashionable for many Believers to sit down at home on days of Believers’ meetings. Some ‘join’ services online or on the television. As great as these may seem, they are only designed to be supplementary. You are still missing out on the real thing.
There are some prayers that will never get answered until they are unitedly offered in the congregation. That is why Jesus said,. “Where two or three are gathered in my name…” He said this when addressing the prayer of agreement among Believers. (Matthew 18:18-20). And this needs to be stressed: the size of your congregation doesn’t matter.
It’s another weekend. Get ready to meet with Believers in worship and service to the Lord, other Believers and the church. Prayerfully get committed to a local body of Believers.
It is a basic responsibility of a Believer.
You are a blessing, and may you be a blessing!
Have a beautiful weekend.
Your friend,
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Deon Akintomide is a Pastor, author and publisher. He teaches the Word of God and ministers healing to the body and the mind. He is the founding minister of the LifeHouse Global Missions and the Pastor of The LifeHouse Kingdom Centre in Lagos. Deon is married to Tola Akintomide.